Relocation / Rehabilitation

Updates on the development of the transitional FACE primary and secondary schools

Dear Parents and Staff Members,

As we approach the end of the school year, we wanted to provide you with an update on construction at your school and at the transitional elementary and high schools.

An information meeting will also be scheduled in the fall to report on the progress of the various initiatives at FACE School. Our teams will be on hand to answer all your questions.

Click here for more information (June 2024)

In addition, if you would like more information, please consult the “Frequently Asked Questions” section on the FACE school website: projet-de-rehabilitation-de-notre-ecole/faq/

You can also visit or contact us at

The development of the transitional FACE Primary
Overview of the Building Layout

The building has 4 above-ground levels and a basement. It will have 6 kindergarten classes, 24 general education classes, as well as a number of special-purpose rooms.

The breakdown is as follows:

  • Basement: Electromechanical services and a storage room for music equipment.
  • Level 1 (first floor): Student entrance, music classes, and a drama space with dressing rooms.
  • Level 2: General education classes, art classes, a double gymnasium and administrative offices.
  • Level 3: General education classrooms and administrative offices.
  • Level 4: General education classrooms and offices for non-teaching staff.
  • Educational stations that will serve as a library and other facilities will be set up on each level to maximize the use of space.
  • Daycare service will be provided directly in each classroom or based on the orientations set out by the school’s administration.

The school yard will be redesigned to provide:

  • A motor skills course, a playground climber trail and an outdoor classroom.
  • Different activity areas such as an active play area, a relaxation area, coloured playground markings, a multi-sports field, and basketball hoops.
  • The site will also be greened with the planting of trees and vegetation.
Building Upgrades and Accessibility

Once the rehabilitation work is done, the building will have:

  • A mechanical ventilation system that will cool and dehumidify fresh air throughout the school.
  • An elevator and universal access ramps.
  • Seismic rehabilitation and upgrades of the emergency exits to standard.
  • A new building envelope (masonry, doors, windows and roof).
  • Complete interior refurbishment.
Planned Schedule

Phase I of the building’s major rehabilitation is complete.

Phase II is expected to be completed in spring 2022.

The Phase-III interior and exterior renovations should begin in summer 2022. Students are expected to start attending the transitional primary school in 2024-2025.

Consult the Complete Presentation

To view the complete presentation by Anne Dussud, architect and project manager with the CSSDM’s Material Resources Department, click here.

The development of the transitional FACE Secondary

The aspects presented below are based on conceptual designs and are subject to change pending ministerial and municipal approvals.

Overview of the Building Layout

The building has 3 above-ground levels and a basement. There will be 16 general education classrooms as well as a number of special-purpose rooms.

The breakdown is as follows:

  • Basement: Electromechanical services and a “black box” drama room.
  • Level 1 (first floor): Drama and dance rooms, set and costume workshops, a 240-seat auditorium with a control room, a double gymnasium, the cafeteria and administrative offices.
  • Level 2: Art classes, vocal and instrumental music rooms, practice booths, two science labs, and a learning hub.
  • Level 3: General education classrooms and a technology workshop.

The outdoor environment will be designed as follows:

  • One of the alleys bordering the building will become the outdoor student entrance area.
  • The roof space of the gymnasium and auditorium will be developed to provide an outdoor gathering and relaxation area.
  • The greening of the site will be improved with the planting of trees and vegetation.
Building Upgrades and Accessibility

Once the rehabilitation work is done, the building will have:

  • A mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning system that will provide fresh air throughout the school.
  • Seismic rehabilitation and upgrades of the emergency exits to standard.
  • A new high-performance building envelope (masonry repairs, replacement of doors, windows and roof).
  • Complete interior refurbishment.
  • Universal access ramps and an elevator.
Planned Schedule

The Phase-I work (gutting and selective demolition) should start in spring 2022.

The Phase-II work (demolition and reconstruction of the gym, exterior and interior repairs) is scheduled to begin in summer 2023 and should be completed by summer 2025.

Students are expected to start attending the transitional secondary school in 2025-2026.

Consult the Complete Presentation

To view the complete presentation by Catherine Peyronnard, Engineer and Project Manager with the CSSDM's Material Resources Department, click here.