Extracurricular Activities 

Student Life at FACE School

Student life at FACE School is dynamic, enriching, and full of opportunities for all our students. Getting involved in extracurricular activities is an excellent way to complement your educational experience and develop essential skills for your future.

Why Get Involved in Student Life?

  • Leadership: By participating in clubs and committees, you can develop your leadership, organization, and project management skills.
  • Social Skills: Being part of a team or group allows you to meet new people, create lasting friendships, and strengthen your communication and collaboration skills.
  • Stress Management: Extracurricular activities are a great way to relax and manage academic stress.
  • Productive Free Time: Use your free time productively by engaging in activities that you are passionate about.
  • Events and Activities: Participate in cultural, sports, and artistic events organized by the school and discover new interests.
  • Volunteering and Community Engagement: Contribute to community projects and develop a sense of social responsibility.

How to Get Involved?

There are many ways to get involved at FACE School:

  • Join one of our numerous clubs (science, arts, sports, etc.).
  • Participate in the student council and help organize events.
  • Engage in volunteer initiatives and community projects.

To help you better integrate and take advantage of these opportunities, our recreation technician, Erick Ung, is available to assist you. He is there to answer all your questions and guide you in choosing activities. You can find his office in room 402.

Annual Student Interest Survey

Every year, a survey is shared with all students to gauge their interests. The results of this survey are used to shape the extracurricular activities offered throughout the year. Your opinion matters! Take a few minutes to respond and help shape student life at FACE School.


Prélude OM - Crédit : Lucie Nguyen

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Idiot's Delight | 11E

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Our trip to Mount Royal

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